4th December 2019

FAQs – S.O.S Races

Q. Will the course be marshalled?

A. Yes of course. The saftey of our runners is our top priority so the course will be staffed by plenty of marshalls and we have first aid cover on hand as well just in case

Q. Are there toilets at the course?

A. Yes. There are toilets located a short walk from the start / finish area.

Q. Can a parent run with thier child?

A. A parent is required to run with Squirrel and Beaver aged scouts on the 1km course. For the 5km course a parent can with run with cub aged young people but this is not required. For scout and explorer aged young people a parent will not be able to run with them unless the young person requires a carer to facilitate their participation in which case please contact us to discuss your requirements. Parents run for free but will not get a bib number or finishers medal and will not be allowed on any of the obstacles. If you wish to run with your child please complete the appropriate box when registering.

Q. What is included in the entry fee?

A. All youth runners will recieve a bib number to wear during the race, A finishers medal and free access to download copies of the race photography which will be available online shortly after the race through a secure password protected download site. They will also recieve an official course time emailed to you shortly after the event.

Q. Will there be a water station on the course?

A. Yes there will be a water station approximatly half way round the course

Q. Does the course leave Rhydd Covert at all?

A. No the course is contained solely within the boundries of Rhydd Covert campsite. The course will also be closed to vehicles during the race.

Q. Is there parking available?

A. Yes parking will be available on Ebury Rise car park at the entrance to Rhydd

Q. Can I spectate?

A. Yes Parents will be allowed down into the main part of the campsite to spectate